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M.R.Ravi - Officer extraordinaire

M.R.Ravi - Officer extraordinaire

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, Feb 22, 2018: Here is an IAS officer of a rare genre who  finds time to pen down his thoughts, his ideas and his experiences  despite his  hectic schedule. M R Ravi, Chief Executive Officer of Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayat is an officer of great calibre who pursues his duty with a missionary zeal. That the DK ZP won the Swachhata Darpan Award for cleanliness  given by the Union Government, amply speaks about the efficiency of this officer who is also a talented  writer.

MR Ravi ZP Ceo Dakshina Kannada

Hailing from Mysuru, M R Ravi has served the Directorate of Collegiate Education and also  as the Chief Manager of KSTDC before being posted in Dakshina Kannada.

Literature has always been close to his heart. One of his articles  has found its way into the text book for first year BBA students of Mangalore University,  much to the delight of this officer. The article "Ellaru Doctor, Engineer Adre Bere Vrithigala Paadenu" was part of his book "Namma Uddhara Nammindale’ published in 2016 and duly provides food for thought. So far Ravi has penned nearly 10 books  including one in English. He has also authored a book on Ambedkar and  an anthology of poems "Prema Laali."

This pro-people officer  who is keen on pursung the project of building mini check dams in various parts of the district  is also penning another work named "Bahupayogi Kindi Anekattugalu" highlighting the importance of such dams.

A recipient of several awards, writing is a hobby and a passion for M R Ravi who is serving the society both as an officer and a writer.

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