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Higher Education Minister Dr. V. S. Acharya releases book on snakes

Higher Education Minister Dr. V. S. Acharya releases book on snakes

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi, September 27: The Mangalore University, the Rashtriya Seva Yojane, and Geetha Prakashan jointly organized a function to release the book “Haavu Naavu” by herpetologist Gururaj Sanil at Mahajan Hall in Hotel Keediyur recently.




Higher Education Minister Dr. V. S. Acharya released the book and voiced his opinion regarding enhancing awareness of reptiles among the public. The book will help improve people’s understanding of the snakes of the coastal region and will remove fear of snakes from their minds, he said.

Speaking about his book, the author revealed that there are 46 species of snakes in the twin districts. He advised people against killing snakes because it will create imbalance in nature. He voiced his opinion that man is the biggest enemy of snakes and kills them out of ignorance and fear.

Entrepreneur Pramod Madhwaraj, MLA Raghupathi Bhat, scholar Bannanje Babu Ameen, and CMC President Kiran Kumar were some of the prominent people at the book release programme.

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