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Autorickshaw falls into overflowing storm water canal at Kottara; driver dies

Autorickshaw falls into overflowing storm water canal at Kottara; driver dies

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, May 25, 2024: In a tragic incident, an autorickshaw fell into the overflowing storm water canal at Abbakka Nagar in Kottara during heavy rains on Friday night, resulting in the death of the driver.



The deceased autorickshaw driver has been identified as Deepak (40). As the storm water drain at Kottara had no embankment, water had overflowed on the road during heavy rain and it was impossible to differentiate the road and the drain. The auto which was passing that way fell into the drain resulting in the death of the driver.

Locals later retrieved the body of the driver. Locals have blamed the negligence of the MCC for the mishap which they say could have been averted if the storm water canal had an embankment.

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