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BJP not yet decided on projecting CM face in UP polls

Mangalore Today News Network

Lucknow, Nov 12, 2016: BJP national president Amit Shah today said his party has not decided whether to project anyone as its chief ministerial candidate in the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls.

amit-shah In several states like Rajasthan, Chhatishgarh, Gujarat, Goa and Madhya Pradesh no one was projected as the CM face, he said.

“The party has not yet decided whether it will go to the polls projecting a CM face or not”, he said at a programme here.

Shah’s reply came to a specific question whether BJP will project Home Minister Rajnath Singh or party MP Yogi Adityanath for the key post.

The BJP president said that BJP is cadre-based party where internal democracy is still alive.

“It is not as if being born into a particular family will make an individual a leader...all have to work hard in my party...have to sweat it out”, he said.

On UP, he said there are immense possibilities and the development of the country is not possible without the development of the state.

“BJP believes in politics of performance and not appeasement,” he said spelling out three priorities for UP -- infrastructure development, youth-oriented employment facilities and better law and order.

“Government in UP should be for people, not for a family, BJP stands for politics of performance, not appeasement,” Shah said claiming that law and order situation in BJP ruled states was much better as per the National Crime Records Bureau.

To a question, Shah said, “I have to expand my is not my responsibility to take care of other parties...some political parties will be weakened in times to aim is to strengthen my party”.

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