Kuwait Canara Welfare Association (KCWA) held its annual general body meeting on Friday, March 9, 2012
While elections are going on in some states of India and by-poll elections in some of the states, ISC Abu Dhabi...........
Srirnaga Ranga Prashati 2011 – 12 by Dhwani Prathisthana in recognition of theatre talent, will be conferred on Mukhyamanthri Chandru
Mangalore Konkans Dubai will organize the biennial Konkani singing competition and preliminary round of Gulf Voice of Mangalore (GVOM), Season III, on May 4, 2012
In an exciting final match in the Easter Cup Cricket Tournament 2012, Taccode Friends emerged as Champions by defeating Choice Cricketers in 7 runs on 24th Feb 2012
Church of Our Lady of Rosary, Doha Qatar celebrated World Sick and Caregiver’s day on Friday 24 February 2012,
7th annual day of Udenthichim Neketram’, Moodbidri Varado Catholic Association (MVCA), which consists of 13 parishes of Moodbidri Varado
Bearys Welfare Forum, a social group of the Beary community observed Milad-un-Nabi,
Music lovers can look forward to one of the biggest musical extravaganzas with NPA Events all set to organise ‘Sunidhi Chauhan Live in Concert
Shirva Welfare Association, Kuwait (SWAK) celebrated their annual Parish Feast on Friday 3rd February 2012
The Vamanjooreans UAE, a group of charity-minded members of the Vamanjoor St. Joseph the Workers’ Church working in the gulf...
Ferarites UAE, an association of people from the Ferar parish, organized their annual picnic in Al Safa Park on Feb 3 Friday.
One of the biggest cricket tournaments in Dubai will take place on Feb.10 (Friday) at the Zabeel Park cricket ground
Karaval Milan on Tuesday January 24 held the draw for the volleyball and throwball tournaments which
Harish Sherigar, managing director of Acme Building Materials Trading LLC, was unanimously elected president of Devadiga Sangha Dubai (UAE) by members during a meeting at Fortune