mangalore today
Monday, June 17
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Bangalore woman cuts husband to 12 pieces, caught after 18 months

Mangalore Today/ ITV

Bangalore, June 4: Bangalore police have arrested a 22-year-old woman on charge of first poisoning her husband and then cutting his body into 12 pieces and disposing them of in sewer in Ranganathpura near Kamakshipallya.
Ramya K was arrested on Tuesday for the murder of her husband Kempegowda, who used to run a small-scale garments factory on November 21, 2010. 


blore woman cut husbant


Sunil Kumar, additional commissioner of police, Bangalore city, said, Kempegowda had illicit relations with other women, used to come home drunk and beat Ramya. It was then that Ramya decided to take revenge and kill her husband. She also wanted to take over his garments unit, police said. 

On the day of murder, Ramya mixed poison in ragi balls and served her husband, who died soon after. Ramya then proceeded to cut his body into 12 pieces  in the bathroom and stuffed them into polythene bags and disposed them of in  a sewer, police said.

The next day on Nov 22, Ramya went to the local police station and filed a missing person report about her husband. Police recovered part of the dead body on November 25, but Ramya told police that the  part of the body was not that of her husband. 

Several months later, as the probe entered a dead end, Ramya asked police to close the missing person file, so that she could take over the garments factory, but police refused. She then approached the Karnataka High Court seeking redressal. 

The truth came out of the bag 18 months later, when on May 31 this year, police arrested a person who confessed that he had given the carving knife to Ramya. 

After her arrest, Ramya confessed to her crime and told police that she wanted to take revenge for the frequent beatings.

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