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Youth ends life by hanging himself at Kuthar

Youth ends life by hanging himself at Kuthar

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, Mar 16, 2022: A 19 year old youth  who was an employee of a private hospital at Derlakatte, has committed suicide by hanging himself in his house at Kuthar Santoshnagar.

The  deceased is Deekshith. Police suspect love failure as the reason behind the extreme step.



Deekshith who  was  at his workplace till Tuesday evening had later ended life in his rented house where he lived with his mother and brother. However, no one was at home when he took the extreme step.

Deekshith had reportedly been to a relative’s house at Kuthar with his mother on Tuesday evening and had later left saying he would go  home. It was later in the night that it came to light that he had hanged himself from the ceiling fan.

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