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Woman electrocuted in Moodbidri

Woman electrocuted in Moodbidri

Mangalore Today News Network

Moodbidri, May 04, 2018: A woman died of electrocution after she tried to switch on her washing machine. This incident took place at Guddeyangadi Murkat Palke in Paladka G.P. limits.  The deceased has been identified as Malati (54), wife of famous ‘Tase’ drummer Anni Suvarna.


The deceased had forgotten to switch off the washing machine after washing the clothes and had returned back after sometime to switch off the machine when this mishap occurred.

It is being said that the husband and kids were fast asleep after spending the whole night at a programme the previous day, due to which the incident was not immediately realized.

It is said that when a call arrived on the mobile, the son went in search of his mother and found her lying on the ground dead.  Moodbidri police arrived to the spot and have registered a case regarding unnatural death. Post mortem has been carried.

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