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Weather Department predicts heavy rainfall till May 24

Weather Department predicts heavy rainfall till May 24

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi, May 22, 2024: The Weather Department has predicted very heavy rainfall accompanied by thunder and lightning in Dakshina Kannada, Udupi and other parts of the state from May 22 to 24.



In the last 24 hours ending May 22, Tuesday at 8.30 am, Udupi district has registered an average of 22.4 mm rainfall. The maximum rainfall of 35.1 mm was recorded in Brahmavar district followed by Udupi which recorded 30.1 mm, Kundapur 26.2 mm, Hebfi 23.6 mm, Karkala 22.3 mm, Kaup 10.1 mm and Byndoor 7.5mm.

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