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Unhappy over budgetary proposals, CPI(M) stages protest

Unhappy over budgetary proposals, CPI(M) stages protest

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, July 13, 2013: The Communist Party of India (Marxist) which has come down heavily on the budgetary proposals announced by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in his budget presentation, staged a protest in Mangalore on July 13, Saturday.

The CPI(M) has described the budget as anti-people. The party also fears that the proposals in the budget would result in a steep increase in the prices of essential commodities and will also  hit hard the common man who is already reeling under problems.


CPIM protst against Karnataka Budget


The budget has made no allocations to  create more job opportunities, the CPI(M) alleged and also strongly condemned the budget stating it lacked farsightedness.

The hike in excise tax, service tax and tax on electricity was also condemned by the party.

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KRPrabhu, Mangalore/Bangalore Sat, July-13-2013, 8:48
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