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Police arrest man attempting to sell peacock

Police arrest man attempting to sell peacock

Mangalore Today News Network

PeacockNews & Pic: Manju Neereshwallya

Mangalore, Oct 10, 2011: A forest police special squad arrested Chandra (38) of Hosangadi for trying to sell a peacock. The police have also rescued the peacock from him.

PSI Manjunath K. R., who received a tip that a peacock was being sold, rushed to the spot with a team comprising K. Seetharam, Umesh Hosolike, Ramachandra Maniyani, Honnappa Gowda, and Harishchandra Gowda, arrested the accused, and saved the peacock.

A case has been registered against the accused under the Wildlife Protection Act. According to police sources, the case has been transferred to forest officials of Shankaranarayana for further action.

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