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Online job fraud, youth looses 36 lakh

Online job fraud, youth looses 36 lakh

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, May 25, 2024: A youth from Mangaluru lost over ₹ 32 lakh to an online job fraud. In the complaint to Mangaluru Cyber Economic and Narcotic Crime police station, the youth said he had posted his biodata on online job website.



He received the mail asking him to fill job application form of Australia-based Darrell Lea Confectionery and send it to email IDs and The victim was told his biodata was on and he has been selected for the job.

After receiving offer letter, agreement letter and appointment letter, the victim received an international call asking him to pay fees for visa confirmation, verification and other services. The victim transferred ₹ 36.34 lakh between April 4 and May 6 to the account given by the caller. Having failed to get any response, the victim filed the complaint with the police.

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