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Sunday, June 02
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Foreign currencies seized from 4 Kasargod men at M’lore airport

Foreign currencies seized from 4 Kasargod men at M’lore airport

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, June 26, 2014: Foreign currencies in US dollars, Oman Riyals and Kuwait Dinars were seized from   four passengers namely Nasir   Kappil Abdulla, Abdulla Kunhi, Abdul Jabbar, and Khalid Hassainer, residents of Uduma and Hidayatnagar in  Kasargod on June 25, Wednesday by customs officials at the Mangalore International Airport.

Mangalore airport  1They were arrested before they could  board the Air India Express flight  to Sharjah.

The 10,000 US Dollars, 1,950 Oman Riyals and 1,450 Kuwait Dinars which were hidden inside their hand baggages were seized by the authorities.

The operations were conducted under the  supervision of Pravin Vinod, Assistant Commissioner of Customs at Mangalore International Airport. Others in the team included Superintendents Marcus Pereira, R S Venkataram, R G Gaonkar, S K Nelli, Inspectors Prashant Tiwari, K Nirmala and Ankit Kumar and havaldar Gopal.

Investigations are underway under  the guidance of D Purushotham, Commissioner of Customs.

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