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Sunday, June 02
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Kuwait: Bomb Blast at Shia Mosque During Ramadan Kills Several Worshippers

Mangalore Today News Network

Kuwait, June 26, 2015: A bomb blast has been reported at a Shia mosque in Kuwait, days after similar attacks on Shiite mosques in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, which were claimed by Isis.

Bomb BlastThe blast occurred during the Friday prayers at the mosque even as Muslims are observing the holy month of Ramadan.

At least eight people are feared dead, according to Twitter posts and TV stations, while several have been injured.

The blast occurred at the Imam Sadiq Mosque in Kuwait City’s al-Sawabir district. It is one of the largest Shia mosques in the Middle Eastern nation.

Graphic images of dead bodies of worshippers were seen on social media. Sunni Islamists have mounted attacks on Shia mosques in the Gulf region in recent weeks.

The Kuwait Shia mosque blast is being linked to Isis, though the Islamic State has not yet claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.




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