Mangaluru, June 06, 2023: The Uppinangady police have received a complaint stating that a couple is reported missing after leaving behind their two children, including an infant who is just one month old, at Karaya. The children have been handed over to the custody of Ramakrishna Ashram of Puttur.
The couple hailing from a nomadic tribe were engaged in the profession of basket weaving. The couple had a four year old male child and a one month old infant. On June 2, they had left the kids at a house in Karaya village saying they are going to Wenlock Hospital and would return soon. The house owner Fathima on humanitarian grounds had agreed. She even took care of the kids for two days. But when the couple did not return, the matter was brought to the notice of the Child Development officers and the children handed over to the ashram.
No one knows the names of the couple, but the woman’s name was Leela as told by her son. Uppinangady police have registered a case and are investigating.