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Sharada Mahotsava held at Venkataramana Temple, Car Street

Sharada Mahotsava held at Venkataramana Temple, Car Street

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Oct 26, 2012: The Saravajanika Sharada Mahotsava of the 90-year-old Shri Venkataramana Temple on Car Street, Mangalore was held under the guidance of Shrimad Sudhindra Teertha Swamiji of Kashi Mutt.

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When all devotees had a darshan of the goddess, MP Nalin Kumar Kateel distributed prasadam among the office bearers of the committee and the members of the temple administrative committee.

The beautifully adorned idol of Goddess Sharadha was installed for the benefit of devotees for 7 days. Then the idol was taken in a procession through places such as Gaddekeri, Dogerekery, New Chitra, Chamaragalli, and Car Street, after which it was immersed in the Shri Mahamaya Teertha.

The procession was accompanied by Hulivesha teams, chende teams from Kerala, and several local teams.

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