mangalore today
Saturday, June 08
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Gutka ban comes under criticism from MP Nalin Kumar Kateel

Gutka ban comes under criticism from MP Nalin Kumar Kateel

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Jun 2, 2013: Mangalore MP Nalin Kumar Kateel has feared that the ban on Gutka imposed by the Karnataka Government would strike a severe blow on the areca growers.

Speaking to press persons here on June 1, Saturday, Nalin said the government could have very well issued an order to remove the addictive substances in Gutka rather than banning the whole product.

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Stating that the BJP was not against banning Gutka,  Nalin said the party  wanted the government to come out with alternate measures to help areca growers who will be affected by the ban. The BJP wants a ban only after alternate arrangements are done, he added.
He also strongly criticized State Minister for Health and Family Welfare UT Khader for imposing the ban despite hailing from the district which has a large number of areca growers.
He further urged the governments to implement the recommendations of the Dr Gorakh Singh Committee report on welfare of farmers, at the earliest.

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