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India to get bullet train speeding past 250 Kmph soon, to be built on Vande Bharat platform

Mangalore Today News Network/News18

New delhi, April 17, 2024: India is gearing up to introduce its very own bullet train, capable of zooming past speeds of 250 kilometres per hour (kmph), a senior government official revealed.

This train is set to outshine all existing trains in the Indian Railways network.


Bullet Train

Furthermore, the high-speed train, currently in the developmental stages, is being built on the Vande Bharat platform, renowned for clocking a maximum speed of 220 kmph, as per an official speaking to ET.

Also, it is currently in the making at the Indian Railways’ Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai, with designs taking shape rapidly.

In the global arena, high-speed trains, like the French TGV and the Japanese Shinkansen, are recognized for their ability to cruise at speeds surpassing 250 kmph, as reported by TOI.

India’s journey towards high-speed rail hasn’t been without international support. While the Mumbai-Ahmedabad line is set to be serviced by Japanese technology-driven bullet trains, currently under construction, India is now making strides towards self-reliance in this sector. The Shinkansen E5 series trains, planned for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad route, boast speeds of up to 320 kmph.

According to the official, the focus is not just on speed but also on efficiency. The new Vande Bharat trains are set to accelerate from zero to 100 kmph in just 52 seconds, two seconds faster than existing bullet trains.

Proudly manufactured by ICF, the Vande Bharat trains are a testament to India’s indigenous engineering prowess and will ply on the recently announced north, south, and east corridors, emphasizing the integration of Indian technology and domestic manufacturing.

These new corridors will complement the western corridor, a product of India-Japan collaboration. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is extending a soft loan of around Rs 40,000 crore for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail project, with the total project cost soaring over Rs 1.08 lakh crore.

The National High-Speed Rail Corporation Ltd (NHSRCL), entrusted with implementing India’s inaugural bullet train venture, recently marked a milestone with the completion of 300 km of pier work.

Furthermore, the extensive land acquisition process for the entire 508 km stretch was sealed in January, setting the stage for India’s tryst with high-speed rail excellence.

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