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Youth is the power of the nation: JR Lobo at Youth convention

Youth is the power of the nation: JR Lobo at Youth convention

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, May 14, 2017: Dakshina Kannada Zilla Panchayath, Mangaluru City Corporation, Youth Empowerment and Sports Department in collaboration with Yuvaka Mandala and Team Inspiration organised a District Youth Convention workshop, training and district level award ceremony at Law College Hall here on May 13.

District Youth Convention

District Youth Convention

District Youth Convention

Addressing the gathering, Mangaluru South MLA Lobo said that around 60 percent of the youths in the country were less than 40 years of age, while 40 percent fall in the age group of 21 to 40. “Youth is the power of the nation and its responsibility lies on their shoulders.When the youth are guided in the right direction, they will be an asset to the nation. Investing on programmes for youth like human resource development, training, skill development, education and personality development is a must for the nation as they will be the future of this country. Youth population is an asset to the nation,” he said.

However, the programme saw small participation from the youth, and the missing State minister for Fisheries and Youth Empowerment and Sports Pramodh Madhwaraj. Reportedly Madhwaraj skipped the event as he had to attend another programme.

Zilla Panchayath Vice President Kasturi Panja, Mayor Kavitha Sanil, Deputy Director of Youth Empowerment Pradeep D’ Souza and others were present.

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