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Udupi: Perverted youths abused a Calf sexually at Padoor

Udupi: Perverted youths abused a Calf sexually at Padoor

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi, Sep 22, 2014: Perverted youths allegedly sexually abused a one year old ‘calf’ at Padoor in Udupi district on Sunday, September 21. The shocking  and shameful incident came to light, late in the evening. The youths from the labour colany in Padoor in Majoor village in Udupi allegedly believed to have done the bizarre crime by the influence liquor.

Calf sexually at Padoor

Narayana Kulal of Padoor Shantigudde who owns the calf had tied it in the backyard of his house for grassing. He found the calf missing later. On searching, he found the calf far away from the spot. He was shocked to find the back side of the calf bleeding. Looking around he saw a young man moving around suspiciously. He caught the fellow and questioned. The local people came to know of the incident and took the youth into task.

Shirva police personals arrived the spot on information and a few youths from the labour colany are taken for questioning.  Srikanth Phadke , Assistant Director of animal husbandry department has called Dr. Arun Kumar Hegde, Veterian from Shirva to examine the calf. Investigation is on to ascertain the real facts.

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