mangalore today
Monday, June 17
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Following threats Yashpal Suvarna gets gunman security

Following threats Yashpal Suvarna gets gunman security

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi, June 10, 2022: The state government has provided  gunman security to BJP National General Secretary of OBC Morcha Yashpal Suvarna, who has reportedly received death threats for  opposing Hijab in educational institutions.


Yashpal Suvarna

It may be recalled  here that Yashpal Suvarna who also happens to the Vice President of the Udupi Government PU College Development Committee had recently received threatening messages on social media.

He had subsequently lodged a complaint at Kaup police station.

Even Sri Rama Sene Chief Pramod Mutalik has received threats and  a post had even stated that anyone eliminating Mutalik and Suvarna will get a Rs 10 lakh reward.

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