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Fishing boat sinks: one rescued; six fishermen missing

Fishing boat sinks: one rescued; six fishermen missing

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Sep 15, 2011 : Six local fishermen are still missing after their fishing vessel sank near Tannirbhavi during the early hours of Wednesday.

The Coast Guard and the police are currently conducting rescue operations in the rough waters of the Tannirbhavi Sea and the local fishermen are helping them.

The fishing vessel belongs to Nazeer of Farangipet. It ventured out of the Old Port for deep sea fishing nine days back with 7 fishermen on board. It is suspected to have rammed into the wreck of MV DenDen, an oil tanker that had sunk in the sea in June 2007.

Boat Missing 5


Boat Missing 6

boat 1



boat 3


Reportedly, the fishing boat was stranded a few miles from the coast while it was returning from its fishing activities on Wednesday evening.

Reliable sources say that Shrikanth, who was operating the fishing boat, tried to contact Mr. Nazeer at 2:00 a.m. to inform him that the boat has developed problems, but Nazeer lost all contact with the fishermen after a few minutes.

Kailas, one of the fishermen on board the ill-fated boat, was rescued at 6:30 a.m. by the crew of S. M. Fisheries, another fishing vessel. 

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