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Sanjay Dutt Parties With His Old Friend Over The Weekend

Mangalore Today News Network

Mumbai Mar 07 , 2016 : Sanjay Dutt is up and about. A little over a week post his release from jail, the actor has been hitting the social circuit with his buddies in tow.



In the wee hours of Sunday, he was spotted partying with his old pal, US-based entrepreneur Paresh Ghelani, whom Dutt fondly refers to as Parya. Ghelani has specially flown down from Los Angeles to spend time with the actor; the two go back a long way.

The bond that Dutt shares with his pal can be ascertained from their snapshots. He made Parya sit on his lap in the car - not that there was no space for him in the vehicle; it was perhaps their idea of having fun and making up for lost time. Dutt along with his other buddy, businessman Raja Dhody had a night out at his brother-in-law Kumar Gaurav’s new residence, Seven On The Hill, also in Pali Hill, Bandra. Gaurav has moved from Imperial Heights (where the Dutts stay) to a new highrise where his father Rajendra Kumar’s Dimple preview theatre stood. Dutt’s wife Maanayata, sister Priya Dutt and her hubby Owen Roncon were also present at the bash.

Says an onlooker, "Sanjay was seen exiting Kumar Gaurav’s place at 2.30 am. Since it is a new place, it was a sort of a housewarming party. While getting into the car, he insisted that Parya sit on his lap in the car. The presence of the paparazzi was no deterrent. The actor looked relaxed and cheerful."

On Friday night, Dutt along with Maanayata made his first public appearance at hotelier Kishore Bajaj’s daughter, Kresha’s wedding reception in Worli which had several Bollywood folk in attendance.


Couirtesy: NDTV

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