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Mysuru: Four of family die due to suffocation after inhaling LPG gas

Mangalore Today News Network

Mysuru, May 22, 2024: Four of family died from to suffocation after inhaling LPG gas due to a cylinder leak at their house in Yaraganahalli, Mysuru on Tuesday night.


The deceased have been identified as Kumarswamy (45) who used to run a laundry shop next to JSS school in Siddarthanagar, his wife Manjula (39) and the couple’s children Archana (19) and Swathi (17).

The incident came to light when the neighbours got suspicious as to why the family had not stepped out of the house even after 9 am and smelled the LPG gas upon checking.

The Nazarbad Police said that the incident occurred as the house was small with closed windows and no proper ventilation.

The police along with the FSL team, rushed to the spot and made arrangements to shift the bodies to the mortuary of Mysore Medical College and Research Institute.

The police have registered a case as the Mysuru City Police Commissioner Ramesh Banoth, visited the spot along with a police inspector from the Nazarbad police station.

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