mangalore today
Monday, June 17
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Anna, Ramdev join hands but fail to woo public

Mangalore Today/ CNN-IBN

New Delhi, June 3: The experiment by Baba Ramdev and Team Anna to join hands against corruption failed to elicit huge response with very few people turning up at the fast venue at Parliament Street in New Delhi on Sunday. Ramdev’s prediction that thousands of supporters will gather in other cities hasn’t also quiet materialised. Some support was, however, witnessed in cities like Lucknow, Patna and Bangalore.

There also seems to be a clear evident crack within Team Anna over joining hands with Ramdev. Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal stormed out of the venue after Ramdev objected to Kejriwal naming MPs in his speech, which the yoga guru said was against the fast protocol.


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Ramdev said the fight against graft was not against individuals. "Arvind Kejriwal should not have taken names. It could create controversy. Please don’t see it as a personal attack. This fight is not against any individual," Ramdev said. Kejriwal in his speech had said that Parliament would never pass the Lokpal bill as long as MPs like Lalu Prasad, A Raja and Suresh Kalmadi were present.

Soon after Kejriwal, who was on fast along with Anna Hazare and the yoga guru, finished his speech, Ramdev took the microphone and said "today, we thought that we will not name anybody. But Arvind took the names".

"We don’t want any controversies. Arvind does not have any enmity with anyone. The names have been taken in some context. We are against personal criticism", he said. During his speech, Kejriwal had attacked Manmohan Singh and his Cabinet colleagues whom Team Anna had accused of indulging in corruption.

However, clearing his stand Kejriwal later, while speaking to reporters, said that he had to leave as he was unwell and he has the greatest respect for Ramdev.

Kejriwal had said that no political party wanted a strong Lokpal Bill. "There are serious allegation against 15 ministers out of 34. That is why they are not passing Lokpal Bill. Manmohan Singh is the leader of those 34 ministers. There is allegation against Manmohan singh in coal allocation scam. 155 mines were given to the private companies without bidding and Manmohan singh was coal minister that time," he said.

"None of the investigating agency is neutral, all comes under the government. All cases should be handed over to special investigation team. We have written to the Prime Minister that all the cases should be handed over to fast track court," he added.

Meanwhile, talking about their future plans, Ramdev said they are launching a campaign seeking support from all Legislators on a strong Lokpal Bill. He said if his demands are not met by August 8, he will launch a mass agitation on August 9. The yoga guru further said that the campaign will target all officials from the Prime Minister to members of Gram Sabhas.

After fast with Anna, Ramdev set to woo BJP

At a time when the government is battling an economic and political crisis, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Nitin Gandkari will meet yoga guru Baba Ramdev on Monday. Ramdev is expected to present a letter to the BJP President, asking him to support the movement demanding the government to bring back the black money allegedly stashed abroad.

He is also likely to request Gadkari to help enact a strong Lokpal legislation. Ramdev had at his fast with Anna Hazare on Sunday said that he would be apporaching all political parties asking them to lend support to his anti-corruption movement.

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