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90 % Indians are idiots, can be easily fooled: Justice Katju

Mangalore Today /ITV

New Delhi, Dec 8: Ninety per cent of Indians are "idiots" who can easily be misled by mischievous elements in the name of religion, Press Council of India (PCI) chairperson Justice Markandey Katju claimed on Saturday. "I say ninety per cent of Indians are idiots. You people don’t have brains in your heads....It is so easy to take you for a ride," he said at a seminar in New Delhi.


Justice Katju-India-Pak-unification

He said that a communal riot could be incited in Delhi for as meagre an amount as Rs 2,000. He said that all somebody has to do is make a mischievous gesture of disrespect to a place of worship and people start fighting each other. "You mad people will start fighting amongst yourself not realising that some agent provocateur is behind this," he said.

Katju said that before 1857 there was no communalism in the country but the situation was different now. "Today 80 per cent Hindus are communal and 80 per cent Muslims are communal. This is the harsh truth, bitter truth that I am telling you. How is it that in 150 years you have gone backwards instead of moving forward because the English kept injecting poison," Katju said.

"The policy that emanated from London after the mutiny in 1857 that there is only one way to control this country that is to make Hindus and Muslims fight each other," he said. He said that then there was a propaganda that Hindi was the language of Hindus and Urdu of Muslims. "Our ancestors also studied Urdu, but it is so easy to fool you. You are idiots so how difficult is it to make an idiot of you," Katju said.

Katju said that he was saying these harsh things to make Indians, whom he loved, to understand the whole game and not remain fools.

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jawahar, mangalore Mon, December-10-2012, 9:58
Govt. should start taxing religions just like any other business. It is a shame and scam that Indian govt. supports all religions in India. The meaning of religion means it is a cult which has grown big enough and organized professionally. All politicians are in bed with religious heads and poor people , even the educated do not see it. As the judge Katju says, it is also the idiots who follow religion without examining what is religion and why he or she follows it. I suppose literacy and enlightenment belongs to only the 10 percent of the population.
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