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Sunday, June 02
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Udupi DC motivates more women to enter civil service

Udupi DC motivates more women to enter civil service

Mangalore Today News Network

Udupi, July 31, 2018: Speaking at the valedictory of the training camp held to coach the civil service aspirants by the district administration, Deputy commissioner Priyanka Mary Francis said that women should enter civil service in larger numbers, which would increase the efficiency in administration.


Udupi DC.j

 The Udupi DC said that women are trained since childhood to handle the pressure and develop sincerity. Hence, if women enter the service in large numbers, there would be noticeable changes in the administration. Society would witness revolutionary changes due to the commitments and honesty of women.

Elaborating over the required hard work in learning to crack the civil service, Francis said that dedication with determination is the only way to achieve success. She added that the district suffers from an acute shortage of staff in various departments. The employees found in the departments are majorly from outside the district. Later, they get transfers to their home district, which would result in vacancies. She urged the students to work hard and clear the civil service exams. If the government jobs are filled in the departments, there would be no vacancies left, she added.

She said the students should continue their studies after the coaching classes. There are plenty of books available in the libraries. If required, additional books will be bought, she assured.

There were more than 380 applications received, out of which 133 were selected, and after the interview and written tests, 50 were finalised. These 50 underwent rigorous training every weekend  from September 2017 to May 2018.

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