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State government is teacher friendly, claims MLC Ganesh Karnik

State government is teacher friendly, claims MLC Ganesh Karnik

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Sep 3, 2011: Stating that Teachers’ Day will be respectfully celebrated at Town Hall this year, MLC Capt. Ganesh Karnik expressed regrets that certain members of the Karnataka Secondary Teachers’ Association have decided to observe the day as Black Day in spite of fulfilling 26 of their demands. Mr. Karnik was interacting with reporters at a press conference held at the office of the district BJP today.


Capt. Karnik


Stating that the BJP-led state government is the first government to provide so many benefits to teachers within just 3 – 4 years, MLC Karnik said that the government has satisfied the teachers’ demands to release 50 percent grants to teachers. Besides, the government has also announced grants to primary schools, high schools, and pre university colleges established from 1987 to 1995. He also said that the government has given several benefits to 700 schools and colleges and has increased the educational budget to Rs. 11,284 crore.

The government has also introduced special monthly allowance of Rs. 200 to resolve salary discrimination issues, he said.

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