The Mangalore sub division of the DK Police, along with North Police Station in Bunder and Barke Police Station, observed Crime Prevention Month 2009 in the Devadiga Community Hall, Barke." />
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Police observe Crime Prevention Month

Police observe Crime Prevention Month

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Dec 19: The Mangalore sub division of the Dakshina Kannada District Police, along with North Police Station in Bunder and Barke Police Station, observed Crime Prevention Month 2009 in the Devadiga Community Hall, Barke.

A procession of students from Shree Gokarnatheshwar College and Canara College guided by the district police proceeded from Canara College, Mangalore, to Devadiga Community Hall displaying placards bearing slogans on crime prevention. Later, a formal function was held at Devadiga Community Hall, Barke, to spread awareness about crime prevention among the youth.

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Amith Singh, the ASP of Mangalore city sub division, made a speech, in which he said that young people are the future citizens of India and that only they can build a crime-free nation. The message of crime prevention must be spread all over the country so that people can live in peaceful societies. The young people must take the responsibility of controlling and preventing crime in society. They must cooperate with the police in maintaining law and order in case of injustice and disorder, he urged.

R Ramesh, the additional superintendent of Dakshina Kannda Police, spoke about the purpose of observing Crime Prevention Month. He said that crime prevention is not limited to a month; it should continue throughout the year. The message of crime prevention must reach every citizen in the country because only the control and prevention of crime can help in the maintenance of law, order and peace in society.

Circle Inspector Vinay Gavnkar, SI of Barke Rekha Bhai; and Corporator Sarojini were the dignitaries on the dais.

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