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Man found murdered in under construction house at Bajpe

Man found murdered in under construction house at Bajpe

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Feb 15, 2013: A person was found murdered in a half constructed house at Bajpe on February 14, Thursday. The crime was suspected to have been committed the previous night.

Bajpe SI Dinaker Shetty said the deceased was a barber and has been identified as Yashwanth (34) of Sankalateriya in Mundkur. Police also said that the body was found with the head smashed with a heavy object.

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It is learnt the murder took place when Yashwanth had been to Bajpe for the Mahakali fest procession held at Kinnipadavu.

The initial suspicion is that it was a theft for monetary gains as the gold chain of Dinaker was missing.

Investigations are in progress.

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