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Khader urges government to release Rs. 10 crore to repair roads

Khader urges government to release Rs. 10 crore to repair roads

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Sep 5, 2011 : MLA U. T. Khader informed reporters at a press conference held on Saturday that the state government ought to release Rs. 10 crore from the natural calamity fund, but has released only Rs. 1 crore so far.


ut khader Stating that the roads in the district are very bad, he said that the rains have further destroyed the roads. He said that the roads can be repaired only if the state government releases the required funds at the earliest possible. Besides, Rs. 11 crore has to be paid to the contractors, he added.

Further, he said that Chief Minister D. V. Sadananda Gowda should do a lot for his district because B. S. Yeddyurappa has done a lot for his district Shimoga.

Commenting on the previous CM’s support for the Jan Lokpal Bill, he said that Yeddyurappa should insist on immediate action to be taken on the basis of the Lokayukta report. He also said that it is wrong to make Yeddyurappa the scapegoat because many other BJP members are involved in these scams.

Regarding Anna Hazare’s anti-corruption movement, Khader said that the Congress government has proved that everybody has equal rights in a democratic set up and that even a person like Anna Hazare, who has only passed his seventh standard, can question the PM. The government has proved that it is against corruption by passing the Jan Lokpal Bill to the standing committee.

He also criticized the BJP for sentimentalizing the Anna Hazare issue and using it to play political games. Flaying the BJP for its double standards, he pointed out that the BJP government of Gujarath has not appointed the Lokayukta for seven years.

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