mangalore today
Saturday, July 27
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Bhatkali Jamaath-ul-Muslimeen Annual Meet held.

Bhatkali Jamaath-ul-Muslimeen Annual Meet held.

Mangalore Today

Mangalore, Dec. 19: Mangalore city chapter of the Bhatkali Jamaath-ul-Muslimeen had their annual get-together on Saturday, December 19 at Milagress centenary hall, Mangalore.

S N Arshad, Managing Director, Mohtisham Complexes Pvt Ltd, Mangalore, welcomed the gathering. Arshad, in his address said that the Bhatkalis and Mangaloreans have a cultural bond developed since long time. We all have contributed to Mangalore in some or other way. We should continue to serve to the society and involve in the development of the city.


Mohammed Hussein Kharuri, the Secretary of the association recalled his association with the Mangalorean and his business development in city.  Bhatkalis have been associated with the city in trade and business. Mohtisham Group has built some of the landmark complexes and contributed to the city’s development in various projects like roads, public utility and education. 

Abdul Rehman, President,  Bhatkali Jamaath-ul-Muslimeen and developer of the famous Saibeen Complex delivered the presidential  address. Mohammed Hussain Misbah, Vice-president, proposed the vote of thanks.


S N Saud, Director of Mohtisham Complexes Pvt Ltd, Legal luminaries and doctors from Bhatkal were was present on the occasion.

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