Mangalore, January 29: The 2-day Veera Rani Abbakka Utsava 2011, which is being organized by the Department of Kannada and Culture at the Rani Abbakka Vedike in Asaigoli, was inaugurated by Mayor Rajani Dugganna.
A colorful procession comprising various folk artistes of Deralakatte, which was inaugurated by MLA U. T. Khader, arrived at the venue in the morning, just before the commencement of the formal stage programme. V. S. Acharya, the minister for higher education, presided over the inaugural session.
This is the 8th edition of the Veera Rani Abbakka Utsava 2011, which was started in 1997. The state government has sanctioned a grant of Rs. 25 lakh for this historical festival for the first time since its inception.