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Trains, Buses between M’luru, Kerala cancelled

Trains, Buses between M’luru, Kerala cancelled

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, Aug 16, 2018: The deluge of heavy rain in the coastal and Malnad region has hit transportation hard with KSRTC cancelling services to Kerala, a day after it suspended services to Mangaluru region. The railways have also curtailed  or cancelled passenger trains.



Buses from Bengaluru to Kannur, Kozhikode and Kasargod were cancelled on August 15, Wednesday, a day after 49 buses to Mangaluru, Dharmasthala, Subrahmanya and Kundapur were cancelled. Officials said all premium buses on Charmadi Ghat route remained cancelled for the second day. Karnataka Sarige buses continued to ply.

The railways diverted the Kannur/Karwar Express via Tirupattur, Palakkad and Shoranur, with the trains set to run on the diverted route on Thursday as well. The Karwar-Yeshwantpur (16516) and Yeshwantpur-Mangaluru (16575) trains were cancelled beyond Hassan. Both trains will commence their journey from Hassan on Thursday.

The railways said the landslides were reported at multiple places between Sakleshpur and Subrahmanya Road and the restoration work was still under way to clear the obstruction.

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