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"What Are Your Thoughts?" PM Modi asks for Independence day speech ideas

"What Are Your Thoughts?" PM Modi asks for Independence day speech ideas

Mangalore Today News Network

New Delhi, Jul 31, 2018 : Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invited citizens to share their thoughts and ideas for his August 15 Independence Day speech. In a tweet this morning, he urged people to use his Narendra Modi App or the MyGov App to post their views.


narendra modi 31 jul 18

"What are your thoughts and ideas for my 15th August speech? Share them with me on a specially created forum on the Narendra Modi App. You can also share them on MyGov. I look forward to receiving your fruitful inputs in the coming days," the Prime Minister tweeted.

Within a short while, hundreds of comments were posted on the apps and on PM Modi’s website, which said that some of the ideas would be picked up by the Prime Minister.

This will be PM Modi’s fifth Independence Day speech from the historic Red Fort in Delhi. Over the past few years, he has often invited ideas from citizens on themes for his speech.

India will celebrate its 72nd Independence Day.

Last year, the PM delivered his shortest Independence Day speech, which was less than an hour long.


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