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Tuluvas should always be in touch with tradition : Vinaykumar Sorake

Tuluvas should always be in touch with tradition : Vinaykumar Sorake

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Aug 5, 2013 : State Urban Development Minister and Udupi District Minister Vinaykumar Sorake has stressed the need to protect and promote the distinct Tulu culture which is sadly fading away from  public memory.

He was speaking after inaugurating ‘Aatida Tammana Bokka Maavaadigeda Lace’ programme held at Ravindra  Kalabhavn of University College on August 4, Sunday under the joint aegis of the Billawa Mahila Sangha, Kudroli and Akhila Bharatha Billawara Union.

Aatida Tammana

Aatida Tammana

Aatida Tammana

Aatida Tammana

Aatida Tammana

Aatida Tammana

Aatida Tammana

Aatida Tammana


It is regretting that Tuluvas themselves are forgetting their culture and tradition in this era of urbanization and modernization,he said and added such programmes  would go a long way in reminding Tuluvas of their culture.

Karkala MLA Sunil Kumar  was present as a chief guest. Naveenchandra D Suvarna, President of Akhila Bharatha Billawara  Union, presided over the function. Dr Yogish Kairodi, Lecturer in Alva’s College, spoke on the Aati tradition.

Mohandas Mugila,  General Secretary of the Union, Sumalatha N Suvarna, President of the Billawa Mahila Sangha and others were present.

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