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SDPI criticizes Abhayachandra over ‘fisheries portfolio’ controversy

SDPI criticizes Abhayachandra over ‘fisheries portfolio’ controversy

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, May 29, 2013: SDPI State Secretary Akram Hasan has criticized State Minister K Abhaychandra Jain for his  decision to surrender the fisheries portfolio on religious grounds.

Speaking at the press meet held at Press Club on May 29, Wednesday, he said that India is a secular country and being a minister, Jain must serve society without any discrimination and must not surrender the portfolio bowing down to the pressure of his community. Doing so will be an insult to the people of coastal region, since fisheries  is a part of people living here, he said.

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Akram also said that Jain had earlier citing reason for his decision to quit the fisheries portfolio had said that he belonged to Jain community which was against violence in any form. But Jain later came up with a statement  that he was not a ‘Sanyasi’ to do so and that  he was wrongly quoted by the media, he said  Instead of making a public statement, Jain should have brought his decision to the notice of Chief Minister or party high command, he added.

Akram urged Health Minister U T Khadar to upgrade the primary health centre at Ullal from 5 beds to 50 bed government aided district hospital since it is a requirement in the constituency consisting of about two lakhs population.

He also rubbished the allegation made against SDPI that it was spreading handbills against  U T Khadar  dubbing him as anti Muslim. He further condemned the recent attack on the party office at B C Road.

Abubakkar Kulai, district President of SDPI, Akbar Ali, chief secretary, Nawaaz Ullal, district committee member were present.

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