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Prakash Rai asks DK people to think of democracy

Prakash Rai asks DK people to think of democracy

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, Apr 24, 2018: Actor Prakash Rai said people have a significant role to play in removing the communal tag of Dakshina Kannada district.

Prakash Rai.jpg

He was speaking as the chief guest at the Democracy Day programme organised   by Karnataka Dalit Sangharsh Samiti at Town Hall on  April 23,  Monday.

Rai said the district has been tainted due to communal incidents as a result of some selfish people. The public should choose democracy, he said.

“Hindu religion is not a religion which teaches hatred. But some people have been misinterpreting the religion,” he said.

Rai said the real ideals of constitutions are at stake because of a few who have been spreading fear and unrest in the country. Those who question the wrongdoings are threatened, he charged.

“The dictators in the history of the world always had a pathetic end. But when they rule, innocent lay down their lives. But the people cannot be fooled always. They will fight for their rights,” he remarked.

Criticism is a part of democracy. The government, without an Opposition party, does not represent the democracy, Rai said.

Responding to remarks made by Union Minister Anant Kumar Hegde, he said that the Indian Constitution is not a document which is meant to be changed according to one’s whims and fancy.

The Constitution is a sacred document which is drafted with the motto of providing equal rights to all, he observed.

Leader M Devadas inaugurated the programme. DSS district convener Raghu Ekkar presided over the programme. Social activist Prof Narendra Nayak, Lecturer Jyothi Chelairu ad DSS district women’s committee convener Sarojini were present
on the occasion.

A procession was taken out from Light House Hill Road to the programme venue, earlier to the formal function.

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