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Govt has failed to solve problems of municipal workers: Khader

Govt has failed to solve problems of municipal workers: Khader

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangaluru, Mar 20, 2023: MLA and Opposition Deputy Leader in the Assembly U T  Khader has alleged that the state government has completely failed in solving the problems of municipal workers. The strike which is being held across the state has hit hard the common man, he said.


U T Khader

Speaking to reporters here on March 20, Monday, Khader said the BJP government seems to be in ICU. Along with corruption and cleanliness issue, he alleged.

He said the erstwhile Congress government had on one occasion solved the issue through direct appointment of municipal workers. The present government can solve the issue by making direct appointments on the basis of seniority. But the government has not bothered, he complained.

The situation is such that Anganavadi workers and ASHA workers have to take to streets every time to get their demands fulfilled. Even Circuit House workers have not been paid since six months, he said and urged the Deputy Commissioner to intervene.

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