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Transgender candidate fails police recruitment test

Mangalore Today News Network

Chennai, Aug 07, 2015, DHNS: After winning a legal battle, Prithika Yashini seemed poised to become the first transgender police in the country. Her dream was shattered after she failed to finish a 100-metre track within a stipulated time, which was part of the selection process for the post of sub-inspector in Tamil Nadu.

Prithika Yashi...The 24-year-old has the distinction of being the first transgender in the country to appear for recruitment as a sub-inspector after the Madras High Court recently directed the State Recruitment Board to permit her to take part in the physical test.

Prithika moved the court after her application was rejected by the recruitment board which cited that her education certificates carried her male name.

HC intervention

After she sought the help of the Madras High Court and officially got her name changed, Prithika had an opportunity to appear for the exams in May. She was qualified in the exams and finally made it to the physical tests.

All eyes were on Prithika when she entered the venue where the physical tests were being organised at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in the city.

She cleared throw ball, long jump, 400-metre race and other tests on Wednesday.

However, she failed to finish the 100-metre race within the stipulated time of 17 seconds. She fell short by just one-and-half second and finished in 18.5 seconds.

“I got injured during my previous tests. I tried my best but I could not make it,” Prithika said. She left the stadium disappointed amid standing ovation from the other participants.

 “I will come for the next selection process,” she said.

As the young transgender could not get a coach to get the much-needed practice for the selection process, she took the drill on her own at her native Kancheepuram district.

“I used to get up at 4:30 in the morning for practice. I tried as hard as I could to win the selection,” she said. Prithika is also planning to move the court to order the police recruitment board to create a new category in the selection process for the transgender community.

She has already opened the door for other transgenders in the country to compete for such posts.

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