mangalore today
Sunday, June 02
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Over 300 Cars Gutted in Massive Fire at Aero India 2019, Bengaluru

Mangalore Today News Network

Bengaluru, Feb 23, 2019 :  Around 300 cars were gutted in a massive fire that broke out at the venue for Aero India 2019 in Bengaluru’s Yelahanka on Saturday, 23 February. The fire has now been extinguished by the fire brigade.



In a statement, the Indian Air Force said that a Court of Inquiry has been ordered to investigate the cause of the fire.

The spot where the fire had broken out is just a few kilometres from the location where the air show is being held.

The blaze started just moments after badminton star, PV Sindhu, took off in an LCA Fighter.

This incident comes just days after Wing Commander Sahil Gandhi, was killed in a mishap involving two aircraft of the Indian Air Force’s Surya Kiran Aerobatics Team.

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