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Minor delivers baby in Nagaur, four, including brother, booked for rape

Mangalore Today News Network

Nagaur, Dec 15, 2020:     Police have arrested four, including a minor’s brother, for the girl’s rape in Rajasthan’s Nagaur district on Monday. The matter came to light after the girl gave birth to a child on Sunday night.



“The girl is 14 and unmarried. The matter came to light when the girl and her family reached the Zanana Hospital in Ajmer on Sunday, where the doctors, after safely delivering her baby, informed us that the mother is a minor,” said Narotam Singh, station house officer, Padukalan police station.

Singh added that the minor, along with her child, is under police and medical supervision. Based on the statements of her family, her brother and three other villagers have been booked under the Protection of Children From Sexual Offences Act.
“Her family members confessed that her brother and three others from the same village have raped her several times,” Singh said. When the SHO was asked about the age of the accused, he said a DNA test on the accused and the newborn would reveal more details.

Courtesy:Hindustan Times

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