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Man who allegedly trolled fish-selling Kerala student over video arrested

Mangalore Today News Network

Kochi, Jul 28, 2018 : The Kerala Police on Saturday took into custody a person alleged to have been the key person who trolled a 19-year-old student on social media for selling fish after college hours.


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Noorudeen Sheikh is being questioned and a complaint has been registered against him, a police officer said. He has been charged under various sections of the IT Act, besides provisions attracting non-bailable offences.

Hanan Hamid, a final year graduate student of Chemistry studying in a college near Kochi had attracted attention after it came to light that she was eking out a livelihood by selling fish and also doing odd jobs as a junior artiste in films.

Ms Hamid was trying to take care of her ailing mother, who was separated from her husband.

It was Sheikh who had first taken selfies with Ms Hamid when he came to know of her struggles. Later, however, he went hammer and tongs against her and posted the pictures questioning her condition, after she was also seen in a few pictures with superstar Mohanlal.

Soon Sheikh’s post went viral and Ms Hamid was slammed as "a fake and doing all she did only to impress to superstar Mohanlal to land a role with his son Pranav Mohanlal in an upcoming film".

Speaking to the media, after hearing his arrest, Ms Hamid said she is very happy to hear the news.

"Now I have realised that with the support I am getting from the government and my college, I have now got so many guardians," said Ms Hamid.

The police, keeping track of the social media posts, have said more people who have abused the college girl would also face consequences.

It was after Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan’s Facebook post supporting Ms Hamid on Friday that the police registered a case against the cyber bullies.

On Saturday, Mr Vijayan speaking to reporters in Kochi said: "The thumb rule for those on the social media is to be careful with their statements."

The Left has also come out in support of Ms Hamid as also the women’s commission.

courtesy: NDTV

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