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Here’s why Barack Obama may keep off spicy food in India?

Mangalore Today News Network

Washington, Dec 08, 2014:  US President Barack Obama, who had medical tests on Saturday after complaining of a sore throat, is suffering from acid reflux, the President’s physician said.

obama"The President’s symptoms are consistent with soft tissue inflammation related to acid reflux and will be treated accordingly," Obama’s doctor, Captain Ronny Jackson, said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the medical condition of Obama has triggered reports that spicy Indian food, including Gujarati savories like dhokla and theplas, will no more be a part of the menu when the US President visits New Delhi for India’s Republic Day in January.

Acid reflux is a condition in which the stomach contents flow back up from the stomach into the esophagus, causing such symptoms as heartburn and sore throat.

Obama, 53, went to Walter Reed military hospital for a fiber optic exam of his throat and since swelling was detected, doctors decided to perform a CT scan as well, Jackson said.

The CT scan was conducted was normal.

Jackson did not give any cause for Obama’s case of the illness. There are many risk factors for acid reflux, including smoking, use of alcohol and hiatal hernia, according to the US National Library of Medicine. Most people respond to lifestyle changes and medicines, although many patients need to continue on medication to control their symptoms.

Obama had his annual physical exam in June and was given a clean bill of health by Jackson, who noted in a medical report that daily exercise, healthy eating and a tobacco-free lifestyle had helped the president stay in great shape. The President is a former smoker.

(With Agency inputs)

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