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Bullet found in Delhi-bound school principal’s Hand bag in Chennai Airport

Mangalore Today News Network / News18

New Delhi, Nov 07, 2020:    A man was held on Saturday after he triggered a scare at the Chennai airport as security personnel found a live bullet in his hand bag.



The bullet was discovered after the scanner alarm went off and the bag was taken out for thorough checking, said an eyewitness.

Selvaraj, who has been handed over to the local police, is a principal at a private school in Punjab and was scheduled to board a New Delhi-bound flight.

“He denied having any bullet in his bag, but when airport security personnel showed the same to him, the principal said that in the recent past, one of his students had brought the bullet, which was seized and he had kept it in his bag,” said a security personnel.

“It was a 9mm bullet,” said the personnel, adding that his travel to Delhi has been cancelled.

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