mangalore today
Sunday, June 02
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150 injured in clashes as MPs’ delegation visits Kashmir Valley


Kashmir, Sept 04: The arrival of an all-party delegation on Sunday failed to dissuade the protesters in Kashmir valley.

Protests raged across the valley as people in many places tried to organize pro-freedom rallies which were foiled by security forces.

Officials and locals said that over 150 people were injured in the clashes which continued throughout the day in the districts of Shopian, Anantnag, Kulgam, Pulwama, Srinagar and Sopore town.



Kashmir has been convulsed with violence since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani in an encounter on July 8.

The valley was completely shut even as authorities had imposed curfew in Srinagar’s Khanyar, Safakadal, Nowhatta, Rainawari and M R Gunj areas.

Most of Sunday’s violence was reported from Shoipan district where a crowd set ablaze the deputy commissioner’s office after clashes erupted between security forces and protesters. Police control room in Shopian said that there was no one in the building.

Health officials said that over 50 people have been injured during the clashes after security forces fired pellet guns and tear gas shells to disperse protesters in Pinjura village of the district.

In the neighbouring district of Anantnag, protesters clashed with security forces when they tried to scuttle a pro-freedom rally in Fatapora Larkipora area of the district. Chief medical officer of Anantnag, Dr Fazil Kochak said 32 people were admitted in various hospitals of the district.

Locals said that more than 60 protesters were injured in south Kashmir’s Tral in Pulwama district after security forces fired pellets and tear gas shells near the shrine of Shah-e- Hamadan in the town.

A police spokesman said that a huge mob pelted stones on the police and security forces in Tral. “Some of the miscreants who were chased away, entered in a shrine and again started pelting stones from the compound. Police are cautiously handling the situation,” the spokesman said.

He also said that ten incidents of stone pelting were reported from Srinagar, Anantnag, Pulwama, Kulgam, Shopian, Awantipora and Sopore.

Two photo journalists were hit by pellets in Srinagar’s old city area of Rainawari when forces fired to break up a protest.

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