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10 Feared Dead in Major Landslide in Himachal Pradesh’s Kullu

Mangalore Today News Network

Kullu, Aug 18, 2015: A major landslide was reported at the famous Sikh shrine Gurdwara Manikaran Sahib in Himachal Pradesh on Tuesday.


According to reports, at least ten people have died after boulders fell on the Gurdwara Manikaran Sahib building due to the landslide.

Some people are also feared to be trapped under the boulders, which are being removed to save precious lives.

Seven dead bodies have been recovered so far and the relief and rescue operation is underway.

Local residents, devotees present in the Gurdwara and government officials are involved in the rescue operation.

Gurdwara Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, also called as ’Gurdwara Manikaran Sahib’ is situated in Manikaran, in Kullu District.

Guru Nanak, the first Guru of the Sikhs, visited this place to spend time in meditation. A gurdwara that was built to commemorate his visit, is now a place of pilgrimage for the Sikhs.



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