mangalore today

Young sports achievers honored at St. Aloysius College

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Jan 21: The Panambur-based Mangalore Chemical and Fertilizer Ltd. in association with DK Pre University College Principals’ Association, Mangalore, organized a felicitation ceremony to honor the outstanding sports achievers of DK under 17 and 19 years in Loyola Hall, St. Aloysius College on Jan 21, Friday. 

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MCF MD Deepak Anand inaugurated the event by opening the hingara leaves. Speaking on the occasion, he said that young achievers are the future of the country and therefore they should be honored to encourage them to achieve more. He also said that the partnership among young sports achievers, students, chemical companies, and principals’ associations will be wonderful.

Fr. L. S. Louis SJ of St Aloysius College said that India is now widely acclaimed for its sports achievements thanks to the wonderful sportspersons who represent the country at international sports events. The sports persons of the twin districts have made the state proud, he said, urging them to put in more efforts at the international level.

Delivering the presidential address, Deputy Director of Pre University Education A. K. Nagendrappa said that the MCF’s initiative of honoring and encouraging sports achievers of the twin districts is an excellent one.

Mr. Deepak Anand honoured 72 sports achievers from 8 pre university colleges and 42 student achievers from 18 high schools all over DK.