mangalore today

Kadri police accused of raiding parlor for non payment of hafta

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, Feb 26, 2012: The owner of Moon Shine, a beauty parlor and spa, which was raided by the police 10 days back, had claimed that the Kadri police had raided the parlor only because they had refused to pay them hafta. 

Sathish Rai, the owner of Moon Shine, has released a statement to the press, in which he stated that Police Constable Shekhar had arrived at the parlor to investigate an allegation that the parlor was being run illegally. He said that they had proved to the constable that the allegations were baseless and that the parlor was functioning according to the law.

Moonshine Parlour

Mr. Rai further alleged that PC Shekhar began making repeated calls to the parlor and demanded Rs. 50,000 as hafta a month back. He also threatened that he would conduct a raid on the parlor if the hafta was not paid. Mr. Rai said that they had refused to pay the hafta and had informed the PC that he could conduct a raid if he wanted to as the parlor was running according to law. 

Mr. Rai alleged that Inspector Kiran Kumar came to the parlor on Feb 13 Monday and planted condoms in one of the drawers. Shortly thereafter, a few constables entered the parlor, retrieved the condoms from the parlor, and  said that illegal things were happening inside the parlor. 

Mr. Rai also alleged that the police had first confirmed that there were no CCTVs installed inside the parlor before conducting their raid. However, he had lied to the police about the CCTVs as there were CCTV cameras were on inside the parlor, capturing all images of the raid. To prove his statements, Mr. Rai released these photographs to the media.