mangalore today

Bajpe police arrest Sarojini’s murderer

Mangalore Today News Network

Mangalore, October 7 The Bajpe police on Oct 6 arrested a person accused of raping and murdering a young woman. The police team was guided by Bajpe PSI Vinayak and Panambur Circle Inspector Valentine D’Souza.

Bajpe police arrest Sarojini’s murderer


Bajpe police arrest Sarojini’s murderer

Dinesh Gowda

The arrested is Dinesh and he has been held on grounds of the rape and murder of Sarojini. He fell in love with Sarojini, who was employed as a coolie at a rubber estate Bajpe police arrest Sarojini’s murdererin Oddur where he was working. Sarojini later quit the job and became a tailor in Ganjimutt.

Allegedly, he followed Sarojini when she was returning home after shopping at Kaikamba. He had been expressing interest in her for a long time, but she had been consistently refusing him.

One Sunday afternoon, when she was returning home alone, he dragged her to a nearby pump house, raped her, and then killed her by smashing her head with a stone. A few passersby found her body on the morning of Monday and informed the police.